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NABIP Digital


Discover NABIP's Digital Advertising Opportunities: a suite of tailored online solutions designed to enhance your brand's visibility and engagement with industry leaders in benefits and insurance. Explore targeted banner ads, bespoke email campaigns, and more to connect with our professional audience effectively.


eNewsletter advertising is an easy way to get your message in front of our thousands of opt-in subscribers. Your ad appears alongside content from our editorial team. 

Ad Submission Details: 

Ads are due two weeks prior to the scheduled run date


State Update eNewsletter

Bi-weekly health policy newsletter focused on policy at the state level. Important bills that reflect national trends at the state level are discussed in depth to inform members about what is happening in their state, as well as other states in their region and across the country. 


Published every other Wednesday (2nd and 4th week each month) 


Average # of recipients


Average open rate


Average click rate

Banner Ad Rates & Specs


  • 600 x 100 pixels

  • URL for live hyperlink


  • 1x - $1,250/issue 

  • 4x - $1,000/issue 

  • 8x - $800/issue

Sponsored Content Rates & Specs


  • Ad space embedded within enewsletter content

  • 150 x 150 pixels (supporting image/logo) 

  • Up to 50 words of copy 

  • URL for live hyperlink 


  • 1x - $1,500/issue 

  • 4x - $1,250/issue 

  • 8x - $1,000/issue


Washington Update eNewsletter

Weekly health policy newsletter covering the most pertinent information on a legislative and regulatory level, in addition to any messaging and advertising that the Government Relations Department needs to convey to membership. 

Published every Friday 


Average # of recipients


Average open rate


Average click rate

Banner Ad Rates & Specs


  • 600 x 100 pixels

  • URL for live hyperlink


  • 1x - $1,250/issue 

  • 4x - $1,000/issue 

  • 8x - $800/issue 

Sponsored Content Rates & Specs


  • Ad space embedded within enewsletter content

  • 150 x 150 pixels (supporting image/logo) 

  • Up to 50 words of copy 

  • URL for live hyperlink 


  • 1x - $1,500/issue 

  • 4x - $1,250/issue 

  • 8x - $1,000/issue


unique visitors per month!

Align your marketing message with our sought-after online content and reach decision-makers as they seek out information on the latest news, trends, and innovations in the industry.  

You can now advertise on the homepage of NABIP’s website, The website has always been a destination for insurance professionals and policy experts to visit for information, but it has also become a destination for consumers.

The “Find an Agent” feature of the website, where consumers can quickly find information on agents and brokers in their area, has been mentioned on “The Today Show,” in The Washington Post, Women’s Day, Kiplinger’s, Money Magazine and The Wall Street Journal, on Yahoo Finance, and in Suze Orman’s latest book. 

Consumers are visiting the site in record numbers, and your vertical banner ad can appear just below the “Find an Agent” button. There are also top and bottom banner ads that guarantee you high visibility. 

Ad Submission Details: 

Ads are due two weeks prior to the scheduled run date

Materials Submission Contact:
Megan Lebo | | 410-584-1907

Rates & Specs

Placement: Side Rectangle and Bottom Banner

Specs: 300 x 250 px and 728 x 90 px ads; URL

Rate: $1,500+ per month


Partners can send targeted emails to engaged members about their products and offerings to increase product awareness and revenue to their bottom line. Available Tuesdays and Thursdays of every week.

Sponsored Eblasts | $3,500 

Your HTML email sent directly to members. Contact us for availability. 

Material Requirements 

  • Fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file 

  • Email platforms can display your content differently, so it is recommended to use a testing service to confirm HTML validation and deliverability of code 

  • Subject line for email (40 characters recommended; 78 maximum) 

  • Pre-Header text for the email (75 characters maximum) 

HTML Specifications 

  • 650 px wide (recommended) 

  • Footer to include company name, valid postal address, and email address 

  • Mobile responsive 

  • Build the HTML file with tables instead of DIV 

  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files) 

  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded 

Deadlines & Proofing 

  • Materials are due on Monday, two weeks before the scheduled distribution date. 

  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected. 

  • All content is subject to review and approval by NABIP. 

  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility and at the expense of the advertiser. 

  • A proof from the email system will be sent to the advertiser for approval. 

  • Any delay in the submission of materials or approvals by the advertiser may impact the distribution date. 

Best Practices 

  • Avoid a single image as the eblast 

  • Stick with web safe fonts for the best compatibility. Hosted fonts do not work in all email clients. 

  • Font styles should be included in-line on table cells. If symbols are not showing up correctly, use the HTML Entity of that character. (i.e., © needs to be inputted as copy) 

  • Ways to avoid spam triggers: 

    • Avoid words like “free”, “last chance”, and “offer” in your subject line 

    • Do not use excessive characters like $ or %

    • Using all caps in your subject line 

    • Avoid displaying URLs that link to different web addresses i.e. linking to


Materials Submission Contact: Megan Lebo | | 410-584-1907


The NABIP Healthcare Happy Hour podcast is released every other Thursday afternoon (excluding federal holidays) by the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals and includes a recap of the week’s top issues in healthcare and health insurance politics and policy.

Sponsorship with company representative as a guest on the podcast: $1,500 

Sponsorship only: $750 

Sponsors will receive: 

  • Verbal recognition from host at beginning and end of podcast 

  • Company name and logo included on online Podcast Archive Page on

Materials Submission Contact:
Megan Lebo | | 410-584-1907


Custom Webinar Sponsorships | $5,000 

Have an educational presentation you’d like NABIP to promote to their brokers? This opportunity allows your presenter(s) to develop and/or deliver content (with assistance and input from NABIP) directly to webinar attendees. 

Sponsor Receives: 

  • Logo recognition at the beginning and end of the webinar 

  • Logo recognition in the announcement email 

  • One time use of registrant email list for post-event HTML email 

  • Specs for HTML email 

  • Provide materials 2 weeks before your send date 

  • HTML email to be sent to webinar registrants 

Webinar Branding Sponsorships | $2,500 

NABIP has created webinars designed specifically to meet the individual objectives of licensed health insurance agents, brokers, general agents, consultants and benefit professionals.  

Sponsor Receives: 

  • Logo recognition at the beginning and end of the webinar 

  • Logo recognition in the announcement email 

  • One time use of registrant email list for post-event HTML email 

  • Specs for HTML email 

  • Provide materials 2 weeks before your send date 

  • HTML email to be sent to webinar registrants 

Before signing a sponsorship agreement with NABIP, an outline of the webinar topic must be submitted. See NABIP's Webinar Approval Form HERE.

Materials Submission Contact: Megan Lebo | | 410-584-1907

Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is a type of digital advertising that enables marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach their desired audience across the internet. By utilizing retargeting technology on association websites, marketers capture a prequalified audience to turn association members and supporters into customers of their own.  

Provide your campaign budget and your ads will run until contracted impressions are met on NABIP’s websites. Submitting all materials as recommended will provide the highest placement rate and allow the system to best optimize your ad campaign for performance. Keep the message simple and the text as large and easy-to-read as possible.

Materials Submission Contact: Megan Lebo | | 410-584-1907


Display Ads: $40 CPM

Video: $75 CPM

There is a minimum of 50,000 impressions/month. 

Display Ad Sizes: 

  • 300×250 

  • 300×600 

  • 160×600 

  • 320×50 

  • 300×50 

  • 728×90 

A URL should be supplied along with ads

Recommended Ad Formats: 

  • JPG or PNG (Static Image)  

  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping)  


Advertiser to provide the materials as noted for the contracted display ads or video for the Retargeting Campaign

*counts are approximate as of August 27, 2024. 







Social Media Advertising

Reach thousands of NABIP’s social media followers with the advertising opportunities outlined below. 

Timeline Posts | $1,500 

Includes one Facebook timeline post, one Twitter post, and one LinkedIn post. 

Ad Submission Details: 

Assets for all posts are due on the Monday no less than two weeks prior to the scheduled post date. 


  • Recommended size: 1200×900 px 

  • News Feed image ratio: 4:3 

  • Recommended formats: JPG and PNG 

  • Text: 90 characters (longer posts may 
    be truncated on small screens) 

  • Call to action with URL 


  • Twitter in-stream photo: Minimum - 600×335 px; Maximum - 1024×512px 

  • Maximum file size: 5 MB for photos and 3 MB for animated GIFs

  • Text: fewer than 280 

  • Call to action with URL 

Linked In

  • Size Limit: 5 MB 

  • Recommended specs:1,200 x 627 pixels 

  • Image ratio: 3:1 to 2:3 

  • Recommended formats: JPG, GIF, and PNG 

  •  Text: 100 characters (with spaces) recommended; 140 max 

  • Call to action with URL 

Facebook Ad Campaigns | $2,500 

Targeted social media advertising served to NABIP members’ Facebook feeds.

Pricing is per month. Contact us for more details! 


Materials Submission Contact: Megan Lebo | | 410-584-1907

Brokers Directory

The Brokers Directory connects NABIP members to products and services provided by our industry supporters throughout the year. This resource allows your company to provide a directory-style listing for one year and offers three levels of listing types and varied exposure.


Materials Submission Contact: Megan Lebo | | 410-584-1907 

NABIP offers prime exposure to a network of decision-makers
and leaders in the benefits and insurance industry with
diverse advertising solutions.   

Contact Us

Katy Lewis
Sales Director
(410) 584-1901

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